So...Since the last Weekly Keith a lot has happened...I guess. My blog isn't as weekly as promised, but you should be thankful for what little of me you get.
Um...Yeah. Where to start? It's nearly Halloween...Awesome. It's also nearly time for the election...Maybe awesome? I think Halloween is way cooler than elections, and the one-day Halloween hangover isn't nearly as bad as the four-year hangover that follows each election.
This political season is really annoying, though. Namely that naughty librarian Sarah Palin. I really want to know who the genius was in the McCain campaign who picked her over any of the other, more qualified people. It has nothing to do with her politics, either. She is just extremely annoying. That shrill voice, the super-crafted hairdo, the winks and nods...It feels like she's coming on to the country during her TV appearances. That's not endearing, that's creepy.
...and, don't get me started on the Joe SixPack crap. OK, you can get me started. What a load of horseshit. She's basically saying that the average American male is a "Joe SixPack". This simply isn't true, and it's kind of offensive. There is only ONE Joe SixPack. He's a legend, and this woman is trying to make that beautiful man average. He's not. He and his brothers, Mike 12-pack and Tim "dirty" thirty-pack, are some of the most awesome men alive. While I wish the average man was like Joe SixPack, it's just not the case. He's worked hard to be so awesome, and this woman has no business bringing his name down with the common folk.
Anyway, enough politics...Politics is stupid...Politics are stupid. I don't know which is the grammatically correct, but who cares?
Let's talk about crazy people who ride the train. It seems that every time I ride the Subway by myself every weird person wants to ride it as well. A few weeks ago, a local Boston University legend got on the train. I'm talking about the guy who wears the weight vest, and ankle weights and runs up and down Commonwealth. This guy...what a character. So, he gets on the train, and apparently he can't be still, so he starts doing push-ups. PUSH-UPS, right there on the train. I know, right. This wouldn't be so weird if the train wasn't completely packed. Normally, I would find this behavior to be kind of funny. The only problem is that he decided to stand right next to me when he started his impromptu work-out. I couldn't go anywhere. I just had to be uncomfortable, and pretend I didn't notice this man doing push-ups in a crowded subway car. Well, it only lasted for a bit. It was kind of awesome, though, because when we reached he stop, he crouched down like he was going to just leap out of the train. He didn't, but I thought he was going to. What does this man do for a living that he can't stop exercising when he's on the train? It's kind of frightening.
There are other weird people, like the gregarious dude with a peanut-shaped head, or the lady who sings to herself, but they aren't as in-your-face as push-up dude.
anyway, until next week (read: next month)
Monday, October 27, 2008
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