Tuesday, June 12, 2012


I was reading the comments on a Jezebel article this morning (yes, I read Jezebel, get over it) about how some lady tweeted a bunch of snarky comments about a guy hitting on her on an airplane, and how to react when someone is communicating to you in a way you don’t like.  Now, I have no real opinion about the actual story, because I don’t give a shit about the people involved.  What I found to be hilarious and infuriating was a back and forth a couple of people had.

This girl relayed a story about how she pissed some guy on a moped off, and he pulled up and started cussing and calling her names - 

Let’s pause a minute to think of an angry man on a moped.  In my imagination, he’s wearing a little leather cut, and a Hello Kitty helmet with a spike.

Moving on, anyway, this girl was a little butthurt, and naturally so.  I mean, nobody wants to be told where to stick it by a guy on a moped.  Where I start to scratch my head is the response to the lady’s story:

Maybe he had a really bad day, maybe he has mental health issues. I'm sorry you had to go through that, but a lot of times, people aren't douches, just their circumstances are.

I love the reasons this person gives for why moped-Ed was angry.  Maybe he had a bad day or mental health issues.  Maybe he has a quota for people to cuss at.  Maybe he was possessed by the demon Ba’al like in that shitty Anthony Hopkins movie. Or...Maybe...just maybe, SHE WASN’T PAYING ATTENTION AND DID SOMETHING TO PISS HIM OFF!!!  I love how it has to be all these outlandish scenarios, instead of the most obvious one: that this lady is probably a shit driver, and nearly ran him over or something like that.  Of course, I’m not saying that all women are shit drivers, but the one’s who get yelled about by outlaw moped riders probably are. 

Now, on to the second part, “I’m sorry you had to go through that...”  Seriously?  Had to go through what?  Getting yelled at?  Having to look at someone with so little dignity that they’ll ride a moped?  I don’t see what this lady went through.  She got told to ‘fuck off’ in traffic.  There are some places where that’s how they say ‘hi’ while driving.  I’ve been told to ‘fuck off’ multiple times while driving, and have told as many people the same thing myself.  This is America, and sometimes people are bad drivers and should fuck off. 

That’s the real issue I have with this.  There seems to be an epidemic of people being babies about being told something, and other’s who are quick to pet their heads and say, ‘I’m sorry you had to go through that.’  ‘Poor babies.  No one should ever be cussed at or called names.  That’s the worst thing that could happen to anyone.’  Bullshit.  How’s about you tell the guy on the moped to go fuck himself, and go home and get in a tickle fight with your roommate.  Or, how’s about you run his ass over.  Or, better yet, think back to how you probably cut him off, or chocked your brakes, or any number of things shit drivers do, and promise to not do it again. 

‘No one should have to go through that...’  Give me a break.  Getting bitched at isn’t ‘going through an ordeal.’  An ordeal would be if there were ten guys on mopeds, and they kidnapped this girl and forced her to mule drugs across state lines.  An ordeal would be her running some dude on a moped over because she can’t drive.  No, this is just getting bitched at.  It’s a part of life.

Anyway, that’s all.  Sorry you had to go through it.